Exquisite English Toy Spaniels for Show and Companionship
Breeding and showcasing beautiful English Toy Spaniels.

Breeding and showcasing beautiful English Toy Spaniels.
Sword & Sorcery was established in 1979 by Lenna S. Hanna-O'Neill; and Mike Downing came to join us in 1999. We began in the 70s with American Staffordshire Terriers from the famous old Sooner Kennels, and we had our share of success. For the next 25 yrs we produced many AmStaff Specialty winners and Top Ten contenders under the S'N'S banner. In the early 90s, health challenges sent Lenna searching for a service dog, which led to us becoming involved with Beaucerons starting in 1992. For about 15 years, we produced nice Beaucerons and many service prospects. Still, Lenna's mobility continued to fail, and she found she was unable to continue to manage the big dogs. We went searching for a toy breed that Lenna could stand; which means, not spooky, snappy, noisy or stupid. In addition, Lenna wanted something with some coat. It was a difficult search. Fortunately, in 2000 we were introduced to the English Toy Spaniel.
We had found the perfect "retirement breed" and spent several years getting familiar. Points were scarce in our part of the country, but our love for the breed made us persevere. The Charlie's joie de vivre was infectious, their intellect an unexpected bonus, and their affectionate natures made them the best companions. Eventually, we were introduced to Patti and Dick Caldwell of Bookmark, and were able to acquire a very nice foundation bitch, Tug, CH. Bookmark Heartstrings at S'N'S. Tug was exactly what we were looking for: a solid beginning with all the things you look for in a foundation bitch. We are endlessly grateful to Dick and Patti for providing us with such a special beginning. In the meantime, we are focusing on our English Toy breeding program, with the intention to produce healthy, correct puppies for special owners. All of our dogs are health tested, and we CHIC all breeding prospects. Shown here is Bunny, the day she finished her Championship.
First and foremost is our resident Old Lady, Daisy. She was a gift from fellow exhibitor Carol Sommers and is a beloved part of our household. Daisy is getting up there, and she is totally blind and almost deaf, but she knows her way around the house and yard, and she still gets in line for treats. Pestering the cat is a priority. Daisy is a very sweet and loving dog who loves couch cuddle time and bacon, in that order.
Our resident Queen of the House is Tug, CH. BOOKMARK HEARTSTRINGS AT S'N'S. We are endlessly grateful to Dick and Patti Caldwell of Bookmark for this delightful addition to our family. Tug is everything we were looking for in a foundation bitch including exemplary conformation, a beautiful head, and exquisite movement. She is also a granddaughter to Cooper (Ringo Starr ot Nevskogo Hobbita, the 2023 Number 1 ETS in the country) so she has quality breeding behind her on both sides. She finished quickly, the day after her first birthday, and went Breed over Specials as a puppy on her way to her title. Soon after finishing, we completed her CHIC. Tug is the perfect combination of beautiful show bitch and adoring pet. She has the merriest temperament! Tug was bred to her grand-sire Cooper and has produced one litter of two puppies, of which one pup is already finished and the other has 10 points (including a 5 pt Major) and will be coming out to finish this year. Tug will be bred for the last time this Spring; we are arranging a stud and will report back on the nuptuals.
Bunny: the BunBun! Bunny is a daughter of Tug and Cooper, and she has many of Cooper's attributes including his beautiful head and that tremendous reach and drive. Bunny is the sweetest Charlie we have ever owned. She stays pressed to Lenna's side most of the day. She also thinks she is a great watchdog! She has the heart of a lion and the soul of a tornado! She finished her Championship in style, shown here taking a 5 pt Major with our handler, Jay Lee. I cannot say enough good things about Jay; he takes excellent care of our dogs and does a wonderful job showing them. Bunny is working on her CHIC and we will proudly report back when she has completed it. Bunny will soon be embarking on a New Thing: we have decided to start training her for Trick Dog. She is very smart and should do well. Yes, there will be pictures!
And here's our girl Annie! Annie is the other puppy from the Tug-Cooper breeding, and is every bit as nice as her sister Bunny. Annie does not live with us; she lives with her co-breeder/co-owner Heidi Clevenstine of Davallia kennels. Heidi is an AKC Judge with over 40 years experience producing top-winning Ibizan Hounds. But Annie is included here because we co-own her and she will be part of our breeding program. Heidi, Lenna and Mike are putting together their expertise from S'N'S and Davallia, to produce a line of quality Charlies. Annie has 10 points including the 5 pt Major pictured. Thanks Jay; and Allan Reznik for the placement! Annie and Jay will be coming back this Spring to finish, and we will be working on her CHIC as well.
Tug represents our first fledgling steps toward the future of the English Toy Spaniel. She was selected because of her breeding and her outstanding physical qualities. We hope for her to bequeath her many qualities to her offspring.
Tug is the merriest little Charlie that we know. Her tail is continually in motion and she is just naturally joyful. Tug is proficient in a number of 'tricks' especially including chasing, fetching and retrieving items. She also shows a talent for Barn Hunt and we think she might do FastCAT. We are only just beginning to unpack her talents and we look forward to spending the latter part of 2025 exploring them with her.
In the meantime, however, there are bigger plans. We are making arrangements for her final litter, planned for the Spring of 2025. We have a very special and handsome suitor in mind, and we will report back as things go forward!
Bunny is a daughter of Tug and Cooper (GCHP CH RINGO STARR OT NEVSKOGO HOBBITA) and is a delightful combination of the two. Bunny is fearless and is absolutely the sweetest Charlie we have ever known. She is happiest pressed up against Lenna's left side. She is very affectionate, but also very protective. Bunny spends her time sitting in the window, keeping us safe from the feral cats and delivery people.
Bunny's exemplary conformation and the effortless, sweeping side movement of her sire Cooper meant she finished very fast, collecting a 5 pt Major along the way. However, she really didn't enjoy the show scene, so we are trying several new things, including Trick Dog and Barn Hunt, to see if we can discover where her heart lies.
You may notice she is sitting down. This is because the girls had been gone on circuit with Jay for over three weeks, and on the last day Mike and I came to pick them up. Bunny saw me and would NOT behave for her photo; we tried several times and she was just not having it, she wanted her Momma! She was so naughty, but I love this photo. It's OK Little One; at least you are done!
Our beautiful Annie is currently campaigning towards her title. She has ten points including the 5 point Major pictured. Annie lives with co-owner/co-breeder Heidi Clevenstine, but she comes to visit her mom and sister frequently. Annie is very different from her sister Bunny; she is less a fluffy unicorn and more a serious enforcer. Annie makes sure the bunnies, and most especially the feral cats, stay on their side of the fence.
Annie loves all the plants at the Farm and she comes to visit often. Here she is sitting in her favorite flower pot. She loves racing through the tall plants. She also loves chasing things, so we are considering her for fastCAT. She shows aptitude at protection, but not sure how to showcase that from a toy dog. Guess she'll have to exercise that part of her character by beating up her best friend, Dory the Borzoi.
Annie is headed back to the show ring this Spring, to finish her Championship. Annie likes to show and we are looking forward to seeing what she can do. Look for Annie with Jay at the Kansas City circuit! Annie will also be pursuing her CHIC, and we will report back when that is accomplished.
This is a brand-new website. As such, it is pretty bare-bones right now. We wanted to get the basics in, pictures of the dogs, a brief hello, to get to know you. This site will undergo massive changes as I factor out the AI stuff. Please bear with the noise and confusion as this Site comes together.
We occasionally host special events or help other exhibitors. We are not currently running a donation.
We do not breed often. Our babies are usually spoken for well in advance, so reach out to reserve a future friend or to ask any questions.
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